Nest Pro London – Nest Thermostat with Installation

Lockable Thermostat

A Lockable Thermostat Could be the Most Effective Way To
Save Money On Your Heating Bills

A Lockable Thermostat Could be the Most Effective Way To
Save Money On Your Heating Bills

The lockable thermostat is an effective way to save money on your heating bill. Learn more about this innovative product!

Designed to keep your home warm in winter and cool in summer. They’re also easy to get installed and operate.

A lockable thermostat can save energy by keeping your home at an ideal temperature without wasting money on excessive heating demands.

Nest Heating App

How Does A Lockable Thermostatic Work?

A lockable thermostatic works by allowing you to set a temperature at any point between two extremes. You can choose to keep your home warm during the winter months or cool during the summer months. This means you won’t need to worry about turning up the heat or opening windows when you’re not home.

Why Should You Install A Lockable Thermostat?

Often people think turning the heating up to the maximum will warm the home faster. It will not. Just on or off. No super turbo boost mode activated from a thermostat at maximum. 

How Can I Control My Home's Temperature From Anywhere?

If you live in the UK you might find yourself waking up to below freezing temperatures. In these cases, a smart thermostat will help you control the temperature of your home without having to leave your bed. As long as you have signal you can control your heating.