Nest Pro London – Nest Thermostat with Installation

Nest Learning Thermostat Fault Finding

Hot water disappeared from app

On your nest thermostat (the display) go to settings then equipment. Now take a picture with your phone. Next continue then pro set up. Then continue again. “what type of heating system do you have?” Select system boiler or the option from your picture you took, it should already be on it. Ignore the first page called heating, just scroll to the bottom select continue

On hot water there are two options “on/off” or “not connected”. Scroll to “on/off” then select continue

The icon should now appear on your app.


Hot water only works on boost

Your hot water may only work with the boost button in the app or when you push the button on the heat link. (Which also turns on the heating) 

On your nest thermostat (display) go setting and find Hot Water. select this and make sure it says hot water schedule “Enabled”  

Hot water schedule not working

On your thermostat display go to settings and find Hot Water. Make sure it says hot water schedule “Enabled” if not change it

Hot water turning itself on

This may be due to a feature called Bacteria Prevention.

It will turn on the hot water for 2 hours a day if you schedule it or not.  

If you scheduled 30 minutes a day it will top it up by 90 minutes always totalling 2 hours a day.

On your thermostat go to setting select Equipment then find Bacteria Protection. You can turn it off from here.

Heating wont turn off

This could be a faulty heat link keeping the heating on.

This could be a faulty motorised valve keeping the heating on.

This could be a fault with your boiler. 

Heating is turning itself on

This could be preheating or trying to maintain the desired temperature. Safety temperature or frost protection may also cause this. 

No hot water

Nest heating not working

Nest showing offline

Lost Wifi connection

Heat link connection lost

No light on heat link

Yellow blue or green light on heat link